Steps for send e-mails in socialengine: 1.Add the mailtemplate to socialengine database Eg: INSERT INTO `engine4_core_mailtemplates` (`mailtemplate_id`, `type`, `module`, `vars`) VALUES (NULL, ‘event_deleted’, ‘event’, ‘[eventname],[host],[email]’); Default socialengine sendsystem to send mails PHP zend socialengine code: $aEmailTo=array(); $db = $event->getTable()->getAdapter(); $db->beginTransaction(); $select = $event->membership()->getMembersObjectSelect(); $aMembers = $db->fetchAll($select); foreach($aMembers as $aMember) { $aEmailTo[] = $aMember[’email’]; } //event…
june 5 th world environment day
June 5 th world environment day. Keep the environment in healthy position for future generations. Try to increase nature awareness to all ones particularly inside children.
Pottas Bomb Malayalam Movie
Pottas Bomb is a malayalam movie directed by “Suresh Achoos”. This is his debut movie. This movie going through the lives of 4 young man in a way of unexpected events. The main role is doing by “Indrans”.The movie is coming in the banner of people cinemas.
Import and export large database in phpmyadmin
Ubuntu use the terminal windows can use the command prompt for run the following command. command: sudo mysql -u root -p”root” ur database name < source sql file path Eg:sudo mysql -u root -proot projects_unii-v16</var/www/projects_unii-v16.sql
Which is the first smartphone with touch technology
First smartphone with Touch Technology is not developed by Apple or Samsung. It is “Simon” by IBM in 1992.