Thalaivaa is a Tamil movie directed by “A. L. Vijay“. The hero of the film is Elayathalapathy vijay and heroine is Amala paul. This movie is based on Action and romance. Songs : Tamil Pasanga -Benny Dayal, Sheezay Yaar indha saalai – G V Prakash Kumar, Saindhavi Thalaivaa Tamil Movie Trailer Super scenes of Vijay
Get baseurl in zendframework
The developers are can use this piece of code anywhere in zendframework project for get baseurl of currently running project. <?php echo rtrim(Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl(),’/’); ?>
Increase PHP Script Execution Time in zendframework ?
PHP script execution time in zendframework set_time_limit(0);
How to Move the gmail chat box to the right side of the inbox?
For Move the gmail chat to the right side of inbox. It is useful for see more number of contacts at time and chat to them. This feature make more easy access of contacts. Goto: Settings->Labs->select right side chat widget
Html color codes,color combinations,color Palettes and color Schemes
The following site contains beautiful HTML color codes ,color combinations,color Palettes and color Schemes. This is very helpful to web developers,especially for web designers.