Using the following jQuery script get the current loading URL Jquery -: var href = jQuery(location).attr(‘href’); Javascript-: var href = window.location.pathname; jQuery(document).ready(function() { setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = href; }, 3000); });
1981 MODEL ROYAL ENFIELD Bullet For Sale
Price:- Rs/- 1,00000 (1 lakh)(Negotiable) Model :1981(Military Disposal) Made:US 1981 MODEL ROYAL ENFIELD for sale. This is all from a military disposal unit(Madras regiment) and in a good condition. Contact: Arun-9947847839, sijo- 9526138575 Place:Cochin,mulanthuruthy
Send upto 2GB of data via internet
The common email servers like Gmail, Yahoo has data limit for sending emails.Internet users are looking for a way to send large files through the Internet. A better solution for this problem is using third party agents. The following website allows us to send up to 2GB of data through the Internet.
Refresh or clear cached Facebook share content
Facebook usually took 24 hrs to automatically update the shared content. There is another way to do it manually. Take this url Enter Your URL followed by fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING Example:
State wise list of IDEA customer care centers
State wise list of IDEA customer care centers Andhra Pradesh -:9848012345 Delhi -:9891012345 Gujarat-:9824012345 Haryana -:9812012345 Kerala :-9847012345 Madhya Pradesh -:9826012345 Maharashtra & Goa -:9822012345 Bihar Circle -:9708012345 Mumbai Circle -:9702012345 Himachal Pradesh Circle -:9882012345 Rajasthan Circle -:9887012345 UP (East) Circle -:9889012345