<script type=”text/javascript”> jQuery(‘document’).ready(function() { jQuery(‘#delete’).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var selected_ids = new Array(); jQuery(“input:checkbox:checked”).each(function(){ selected_ids.push(jQuery(this).val()); }); if (selected_ids.length > 0){ var oDeleteUrl = ‘<?php echo $this->baseUrl();?>/messages/delete/message_ids/’+selected_ids+’/place/inbox’; jQuery(“#delete”).fancybox({ ‘type’: ‘ajax’, ‘href’ : oDeleteUrl }); } }); }); </script>
get selected radio button value using jquery
Simply use the following code jQuery(‘.global_form_popup #submit’).click (function(e){ var chkdValue = jQuery(‘input[type=”radio”]:checked’).val(); alert(chkdValue); });
check if subject is set in socialengine
Check one subject is set in socialengine if(Engine_Api::_()->core()->hasSubject()) { } We can use the above code is for avoiding multiple subject set in socialengine.
sachin tendulakar’s last moments in cricket
Sachin circket era is end up with an incredible test victory at Mumbai Wangade stadium. We salute the legend of cricket,the god of cricket. He is a man with cute smile in his face always. The real gentle man with great talent. The people knows him beyond the cricket as real human. sachin is always…
Socialengine User Friendship check function
Use this function to check the logged user is a friend of any other user. Here Viewer is logged user object and user is the one who want to check. $viewer->membership()->getRow($user);