<style type=”text/css”> @font-face { font-family: “Smart Tips”; src: url(https://www.smarttips.in/smarttips.ttf) format(“truetype”); } h1.customfont { font-family: “Smart Tips”, Verdana, Tahoma; } </style> add some google fonts to your website <link href=” http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Smart+Tips” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” /> p1 { font-family: ‘Smart Tips’, arial, serif; }
find yesterday date in php
Use php date function and minus (-1) days from today’s date $smart_yesterday = strtotime(date(‘Y-m-d’, strtotime( ‘-1 days’)));
How to Recover deleted files on netbeans IDE
NetBeans IDE 7.3 is a super tool for development and it supports several programming languages.We are now using NetBeans IDE 7.3 for different different types of software development environments. In NetBeans IDE 7.3 recovering options are also available. Right click on the folder/directory of NetBeans IDE 7.3 that the files had been deleted. Then Choose Local History…
How to Give All File Permission / folder permission recursively in ubuntu(chmod command)
Ubuntu operating system(OS) gives more importance to security. So all types operations need root permissions. Two ways give permissions in Ubuntu. To do this, you need root access. one ways is to right click on on file/folder and edit permissions. The second way is through terminal(CMD). command: sudo chmod 777 pathtofile/folder Eg : sudo chmod…
How to get root access in ubuntu
Linux is a opensource platform. Most popular linux based operating system is ubuntu. The latest version of ubuntu is choose Ubuntu 12.10. The ubuntu 12.10 version contains latest features but it has long term support. The stable and LTS one is Ubuntu 12.O4 LTS.Ubuntu giving more preference to its secuirity so all root access is…