Drop table from database SQL>drop table <table name> Example: SQL> drop table smarttips Table dropped
How to Delete all data in the SQL table
Truncate the Table SQL>truncate table <table name> Example: SQL>truncate table smarttips;
How to ALTER table in SQL
ALTER a table in SQL Use the following commands for add,change,drop table fields in SQL. SQL>AlTER TABLE <Table name> <ADD,DROP,CHANGE> <field name> ALTER TABLE `test` ADD `test INT NOT NULL ALTER TABLE `test` DROP `name` ALTER TABLE `test` CHANGE `name` `student_name` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL
How to create a table in SQL
Command or syntax for crating a table in SQL SQL> CREATE TABLE <tablename name>(fieldname datatype(size) PRIMARY KEY); Example:CREATE TABLE STUDENT(stu_number number(2) PRIMARY KEY,stu_name varchar(20));
what is mean by Bounce rate?
Bounce rate It is a common term used in website traffic analysis. Bounce rate is the ratio between number of people enter your site and leave the site(bounce) without viewing other pages. Low bounce rate means the site is very useful. Bounce rate is mainly depends on the quality of content.