NURSE is not a one word.It is a combination of Some Beautiful and meaningful words. N-nobility U-usefulness R-reliability S-sincierity E-effiency
how to redirect a page in socialengine
redirect function in socialengine we can use this code controller for redirecting <?php /** * Index Controller */ class Admin_IndexController extends Core_Controller_Action { public function loginAction() { $this->_redirect(‘/index’); } redirect is core helper function in socialengine. It can use in socialengine controller.
jQuery Validation of login by pressing enter key
Validate login by pressing enter key $(“#username, #password”).keydown(function(event) { // track enter key var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : (event.which ? event.which : event.charCode)); if ( keycode == 13) { // key code for enter key // force the keyboard ‘Enter Key’ to implicitly click the Update button validateLogin(); return false; } else …
How to write a jQuery function
jQuery function jQuery is a type of JavaScript programming script used in website development. jQuery is very strict in its syntax .Programmers are writing jQuery functions for doing specific tasks. Syntax of JQuery function is //start <script type=”text/javascript”> $(“#username”).keydown(function(event) { }); </script> //end function This is a keydown function
How to see table stucture in SQL
table stucture in SQL SQL>desc <table name> Example: SQL>desc smarttips Name Null Type Id NOT NULL NUMBER(2) Name varchar(10)