Facebook usually took 24 hrs to automatically update the shared content. There is another way to do it manually. Take this url http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug Enter Your URL followed by fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING Example: https://smarttips.in?fbrefresh=CAN_BE_ANYTHING
Category: Web Tips
web tips,ticks
How to check ip address of a website
Linux Go to terminal ping <website name> then you will get a reply with ip address and sever details of website. Example: smarttips@sijo-System-Product-Name:~$ ping smarttips.in 64 bytes from server1.greenfoss.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=165 ms windows Got to start window take run ->cmd c:> ping smarttips.in 64 bytes from server1.greenfoss.com ( icmp_req=2 ttl=55 time=165 ms
How to Move the gmail chat box to the right side of the inbox?
For Move the gmail chat to the right side of inbox. It is useful for see more number of contacts at time and chat to them. This feature make more easy access of contacts. Goto: Settings->Labs->select right side chat widget
Change skype file download location
Change Skype tool file download location. Skype is a useful tool for communication.Through Skype can send and receive files For changing download location of file Tools *-> Options *->Save files to *-> click on button to change the location
Html 5 video tag
HTML5 has some advanced Advenced tags. HTML5 video tag is advanced and easy tag for play videos <video src=”https://www.smarttips.in/demo/smarttips.mp4″width=”500″ height=”300″ controls autobuffer> </video>