Installing PHP 5.4. or higer on Ubuntu 12.04 1. Add the PPA repository sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-oldstable And run the following command in terminal 2. sudo apt-get update 3. sudo apt-get install php5
Category: Web Tips
web tips,ticks
Free Online Tools for Web Statistics
A web analytics tool is necessary for every website to do the tracking of traffic and prepare strategies according to that. Fortunately, there are tons of web statistics tools available in online. Although each analytics tool has its own unique features, but choosing the right one is of utmost importance. Using multiple analytics tools is really…
How to restrict direct access (from browser) to a folder
Simply put an empty index.html file to the folder. It will prevent the direct access to that folder. Another way is that: Put the following code into htaccess file Options -Indexes This will produce a 403 HTTP Status code on folder content listing.
How to configure outlook mail server
Outlook mail server Configuration Settings: To configure email address in Outlook, please follow the below step. 1. Click the Manual setup or additional server types checkbox, and then click Next. 2. Click POP and then click Next. 3. User information a. Your name: <put your name> b. Email address: <put your email address> 4. Under Server Information a. Account type: POP3 b. Incoming mail server: c. Outgoing…
Move Gmail Chat to Right Side
Steps: 1. Take Gmail settings. 2. Click on Labs. 3. Then we can see Right-side chat option. 4. Enable it. 5. Save the change. Now the Chat box is on the right side and will get a new look. Author: Reshma R