RCB Chris Gayle scored100 run 30 Balls Vs Pune Warriors in IPL 2013. Fastest Century in cricket
Author: smarttips
How to Fix BSNL Broadband DNS problem
When you use BSNL Broadband internet connection for browsing then commonly happens this issue .Everything looking fine but your website is not loading with “DNS” issue. Generally it found in windows networks. Easily Solve this issue by open DNS. Steps for For solution 1.click on network icon placed in windows task bar then a popup window…
mysql table alter query
We can use the following query for add new field to table. this types of queries are alter queries Syntax :ALTER `<table name>` ADD `<fieldname>` <type> <option> Example: ALTER TABLE `engine4_core_poll_societies` ADD `soc_admin` INT NOT NULL
parseInt in jQuery for type conversion
convert data type to integer in jquery. Some times need to convert type into integer for doing different kinds of numerical operations. syntax: parseInt(value); Eg : var smarterthanyou = parseInt($(“#yourname”).val());
How to add some font to a website
<style type=”text/css”> @font-face { font-family: “Smart Tips”; src: url(https://www.smarttips.in/smarttips.ttf) format(“truetype”); } h1.customfont { font-family: “Smart Tips”, Verdana, Tahoma; } </style> add some google fonts to your website <link href=” http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Smart+Tips” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” /> p1 { font-family: ‘Smart Tips’, arial, serif; }